

Name:                                  Lawrence Idemudia OBORKHALE                                

State of Origin                      Edo

Nationality                            Nigerian                               

Present Post                        Professor

Previous post                       Assistant Professor

Martial Status                       Married




Primary School:   Niger bank primary school Illushi, Edo state

Secondary school: St John Bosco’s College, Ubiaja,  Edo State

Universities attended:

University Of Ilorin, Ilorin                                                                                    

University Of Benin, Benin City   

Enugu state university Of Science And Technology, Enugu



i. First school leaving certificate                                                                           1978

ii. West Africa School Certificate (WASC)                                                            1983

iii. Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in Electrical Engineering                             1989

(with Second Class Honours, Upper Division )                                                 

iv. Masters in Engineering (M.Eng) in Telecommunication/Electronics                 1994

v. Communication Engineering (Ph.D)                                                                   2012






1.      Name of Previous Employer:        Lagos State University, Lagos                   (1997-2008)

Staff File Number:                                                    AS/2615

Terms Of Employment:                                          Full-Time

Date Of First Appointment:                                   1st June. 1997

Date Of Confirmation Of Appointment:              1st June. 1999

Date Of First Promotion:                                        1st October . 2000

Date Of Last Promotion                                          1st October. 2006


2.      Name Of Previous Employer:       Abraham Adesanya Polytechnics, Ijebu –Igbo                (2008-2009)

Staff File Number:                                      AP/104

Terms Of Employment:                               Full-Time

Date Of Previous Appointment:                 1st May. 2008

Date Of First Promotion:                            1st May. 2008


3.      Name Of Previous Employer:       American University Of Nigeria, Yola.,                           (2008-2009)

Staff File Number:                                        P345

Terms Of Employment:                              Full-Time

Date Of Previous Appointment:               14th August , 2009

Date Of First Promotion:                            NIL


4.      Name Of Present Employer:             Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture                                                                             (2014-Till Date)

Staff File Number:                                        SS/2102

Terms Of Employment:                              Full-Time

Date Of  present Appointment:                 1st November. 2014

Date Of Confirmation Of Appointment:  1st June. 1999

Date Of Last Promotion                              14th October. 2015



i.                    Lagos State University, Lagos

Faculty Of Engineering,

Department Of Electronics And Computer Engineering

Previous Ranks :

Assistant Lecturer                            (1997-2000)

Lecturer II                                          (2000-2006)

Lecturer I                                           (2006-2008)



I was involved in the teaching and handling of the under listed courses

ECE 121 Introduction to computer system.

ECE 212 Fundamental of electrical Engineering

ECE 221 Algorithm and data structure

ECE 317 Digital Electronics 1

ECE 327:  Computer Architecture

ECE324  Microprocessor Fundamental and applications

ECE 413 Control Engineering 1

ECE 416 Data Communication

ECE 512 Computer Networks

Supervision of undergraduate projects




ii.                 Abraham Adesanya Polytechnics, Ijebu –Igbo

Faculty Of Engineering,

Department Of Electrical And  Electronics Engineering

Previous Rank :

Senior Lecturer                                             (2008-2009)


·         Courses Taught At Aaploy

CET 111 :Introduction to computer system.

EEE 112: Fundamental of electrical Engineering 1

EEE 242: Fundamental of electrical Engineering 1I

CET 221 :Algorithm and data structure

CET211:Digital Electronics


iii.               American University of Nigeria, Yola.

School Of Information Technology And Communication,

Department Of Telecommunication

Previous Rank :

Assistant Professor                                                  (2009-2014)



TEL 210 :Telecommunications Systems and Architecture 

TEL 201: Principle of Telecommunications Engineering Theory 

TEL252 :Introduction to Telecommunications and Data Networks 

INF 252 :Introduction to Telecommunications and Data Networks 

TEL 474:  Internetworking & TCP/IP

CSC102  Introduction to Computer Science 

CSC 251: Digital Systems 


iv.               Michael Okpara University Of Agriculture, Umudike /Nigeria.

College  Of Engineering And Engineering Technology

Department Of Electrical And  Electronics Engineering

Previous Ranks :

Senior Lecturer                                             (2014-2015)

Professor                                                       (2015 –TILL Date)



Graduate (PhD.) EEC 914  Advances in Communication Networks                          

Graduate (PhD &M.Eng) EEE 814 &EEC 911 Advanced  Project Management

Graduate(M.Eng) EEC 825 Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of communication Networks

Graduate (PhD &M.Eng) EEE 824 &EEC 921 Advanced Mobile systems and wireless Network 

Graduate (PhD &M.Eng) EEE 831 &EEC 931 Digital Signal Processing                    

EEE 413 Digital Electronics

EEE 326 Computer Programming

EEE515 Microprocessor Fundamental and applications




·   Member, Departmental Board of Electronic and Computer Engineering (1997-2008)

·   Departmental Co-ordinator PGD Programme LASU                                      2002 – 2005

·   Member/Chairman, Sub-committee on Rehabilitation of Senior Staff Quarters (2004-2007)

·   Coordinator, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering  Final Year Project (2001-2006)

·   Exam officer, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, LASU. (2005-2006)

·         Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Abraham Adesanya,  Ijebu Igbo ( 2007- 2009)

·         Visiting Professor, Moddibo Adama University of Technology, Yola (2016)

·   Senate member, American University of Nigeria, Yola  (2009-2014)

·   Member, ICT Policies committee on American University of Nigeria (2009-2014)

·         Member Appointment and Promotion Committee AUN                     2012 -2013

·         Programme student Project Co-ordinator AUN                         2009 -2013

·         Member University Accreditation committee , MOUAU                      2014 -2015

·         Co-ordinator  PG programme MOUAU                                       2014 -2015

·   Head of Department, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, MOUA, Umudike (2015-2016)

·   Chairman, Committee on Postgraduate curriculum  review of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, (June 2016)

·     Senate member, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUA),Umudike,((2015-Date)

·     Member, Committee to investigate a case of Cultism in Michael Okpara University of Agriculture (MOUA),Umudike,((2017)

·   Member, College Board of Engineering and Engineering Technology, MOUA (2014- Date)





i.                    Dissertation and Thesis

1.      Oborkhale L. I. ”Hybrid Technique for enhanced quality of service (QOS) in wireless Networks” Ph.D thesis, Enugu State university of Science and Technologies, Enugu 2012.

2.      Oborkhale L. I. “Design and construction of industrial temperature controller” M.Eng Dissertation, University of Benin, Benin city, 1994.

3.      Oborkhale L. I. “Design and construction of digital control Experiments” B.Eng  Dissertation, University of Ilorin, Ilorin , 1989


ii.                 Journals Papers


1.      Shoewu, O.O., Oborkhale L.I.( 2017) “Pathloss Modelling of less dense urban area in Lagos State using Lee Model” Journal of advancement in engineering and technology. Volume 4 / Issue 4, ISSN: 2348-2931.

2.      Bashorun, O.O., O.O. Shoewu, W.A. Alao, L.I. Oborkhale; and N.O. Salau. (2017). “Analysis and Prediction of Indoor wireless Propagation Using adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 18(2):155-162.

3.      Oborkhale L. I , Nwaogu, C.C. and Amadi, A.O. (2017) “Mitigating rain attenuation and its effects on communication links using site diversity” Umudike journal of engineering and technology (UJET) Vol. 3, No. 2, Dec., 2017 Pg. 30-39.

4.      Shoewu, O.O., L.I. Oborkhale; N.O. Salau; and O.O. Bashorun. (2017). “Analysis of Outdoor Path Loss Measurements for Triple Frequency Spectrum in Lagos State”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 18(2):144-154.


5.      Shoewu O., Salau O.,., Ogunlewe O. and Oborkhale L ,(2017) Path loss measurement and modelling for Lagos state G.S.M. environment.”,,Journal for review of computer Engineering  research issn:2481-4281


6.      Iroegbu C., Oborkhale L., Okeke C., Nwaogu A.O., (2016) “Development of an artificial neural network based load forecast model for long term load forecast”. A case study of Aba, Nigeria. Umudike journal of engineering and technology, volume 2, number 1, June 2016.


7.      Oborkhale, Lawrence I. , Abioye, A. E., Egonwa B. O., Olalekan T. A., (2015)

“Design and Implementation of Automatic Irrigation Control System” IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 17, Issue 3, Ver. VII (May – Jun. 2015), PP

8.      Shoewu, O, Salau, N.O , Ogunlewe, A.O ,Oborkhale, L.I (2016) “path loss measurement and modeling for lagos state g.s.m environments” Review of Computer Engineering Research ISSN(e): 2410-9142/ISSN(p): 2412-4281.

9.      Olatinwo, S.O., L.I. Oborkhale, and O.O. Shoewu. (2017). “Wireless Network Modelling and Analysis using Path Loss Models”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 18(2):132-143.

10.  L. Oborkhale (2015) ‘Towards a Digital Home’ International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering technology Volume 3 Issue VI, June 2015 ISSN: 2321-9653

  1. L. Oborkhale &Okonba B. (2015) ‘Analysis of Convolutional Encoder with Viterbi Decoder for Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access Systems’ International journal of Engineering and Technical research.ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015
  2. L. Oborkhale &Okonba (2015) ‘Comparison Study between ½ Rate and 2/3 Rate Convolutional Encoder with Viterbi Decoder’. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering technology Volume 3 Issue V, May 2015ISSN: 2321-9653
  3. Lawrence Oborkhale (2015) ‘Evaluating the quality of service of 3G Cellular mobile networks in a developing economy’ GE-International journal of Engineering Research. ISSN: 2321-1717, Volume-03, Issue-05, May, 2015.
  4. Lawrence Oborkhale (2015) ‘E-Advertising and Digital Home Technology in Nigeria: Deconstructing the praxis of impeccable and challenges’ International journal in IT and Engineering. ISSN: 2321-1776, Volume-03, Issue-06, June, 2015.

15.  L. Oborkhale and Iroegbu C. (2015), ‘Modeling and Simulation of Frequency Modulated RadioChannel Using Matlab& Simulink’  Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology.ISSN: 3159-0040 Vol. 2 Issue 4, April – 2015.

  1. L. Oborkhale and R. Akomodi, (2014) “White Space Technology AS A Tool For Bridging Digital Divide”,Journal of Telecommunications, ISSN 2042-8839, Volume 28, Issue 1, November 2014
  2. Babatunde Ogunleye, Lawrence Oborkhale, and Olusegun Ogundapo, “Comparative Analysis of OFDM Sub-Carrier Modulation Using QPSK and π/4-QPSK,” International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 273-276, 2012.

18.  Jennifer A. Tyndall, *, Shehu Jamiu Olumoh, Lawrence Oborkhale, Emmanuel Apari, MD, Ishaya Nyitiba MD & John AuduBwala (2012) “The Dilemma Of Falciparum Malaria And Telecommunications In Northeastern Nigeria”, American Journal Of Scientific And Industrial Research, ISSN: 2153-649X, Doi:10.5251/Ajsir.2012.

19.  Lawrence Oborkhale  (2015) ‘Application of Network Coding in Multimedia Application’International Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research Vol no.3, pp. 64-77. ISSN: 2347-6532

20.  Oborkhale. L.,Salatian, A., Onoh, G. (2013) “A Hybrid Technique for Quality of Service Evaluation of Cellular Wireless Networks, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science Volume 3, No. 3, May-June 2012 ISSN No. 0976-5697.

21.  Aigbokhan E. E. and Oborkhale L.I. (2013), “Assessment of educational e-portal software quality”, International Journal of scientific innovations, Vol4 number 1 ISSN: 2276-6154.

22.  Salatian, A. &Oborkhale, L. (2011) ‘Filtering of ICU Monitor Data to Reduce False Alarms and Enhance Clinical Decision Support’, International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, Volume 3, Number 3, pages 49-55,  ISSN: 2233-7849, June 2011.

23.  IdorenyinAkapn&Lawrence  Oborkahale(2011), ‘E-advertising and digital home Technology in Nigeria‘ The Nigerian Journal of Communication Volume 9, Number , 2011, Pages 262-280, ISSN 1596-356X

24.  Zivkovic, J., Salatian, A., Ademoh, F.,Oborkhale, L., (2012) ‘Perceptions of male and female lecturers  at an American Style University in Nigeria’, International Journal of Academic  Research in business and social sciences,may 2012, vol 2 no 5 ISSN 2222-6990.

25.  Oborkhale. L.,Salatian, A., Onoh, G. (2012) ‘Ranking the Quality of Service of a Wireless Cellular Network for Different Periods of a Day’, International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications, Volume 3, Issue 1, pages 55-66, ISSN: 2093-9655, February 2012.

26.  Oborkhale, L.&Salatian, A., (2011) ‘Challenges of the Digital Home in a Developing Economy’, International Journal of Smart Home, Vol.5, No.1, pages  31 – 36, ISSN: 1975-4094, January 2011.

27.  Ogundapo E. O., Oborkhale L. I. and Ogunleye S. B.(2011): “Comparative Study of Path Loss Models for Wireless Mobile Network Planning” International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence, Volume 2, Number 3; December 2011.

28.  Salatian, A., Adepoju, F., Oborkhale, L. (2011) ‘Using Wavelets to Improve Quality of Service for Telemedicine’, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Volume 27, pages 27 – 34, ISSN: 2005-4238, February 2011.

29.  Aighokan E., Ago Quaye, Oborkhale l, (2011)“ Quality service: Estimating software reliability for global system for mobile communications (GSM) Funtone”   :

International Journal of Services, Economics and Management 2011 – Vol. 3, No.2 pp. 207 – 217.

30.  Salatian, A. &Oborkhale, L. (2010) ‘Benefits of Deploying Telemedicine in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa’, Journal of Arts and Humanities, Volume 7, Number 2, pages 22 – 25, ISSN: 1117-1642, 2010.

31.  Salatian, A. &Oborkhale, L. (2010) ‘Quality of Service Issues for ICU Tele-Medicine in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa’,Journal  of Scientific and Industrial Studies Volume 8, Number 3. Pages 15-18. ISSN: 1117-1693.

32.  OdinmaA., Oborkhale L.I and Muhammadou M.O. Kah (2007), “The Trends in Boardband Wireless Networks Technologies”, The pacific journal of Science and Technology (PJST) USA vol 8 (1) pp 118-126, 2007. Spring edition.

33.  Oborkhale, L.I. and O. Shoewu. (2007), “Power Line Communication Technology”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 8(2):398-405.

34.  Oborkhale L. I, Shoewu o., and Ojuola A. O. (2006), “The Impact of Information and Telecommunication Technology on effective Education system” LASU Education Review vol. 2, pp 164-172, 2006.

35.  Oborkhale Lawrence (2006), “Quality of service overlay networks” LASU Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 1 no 3, pp 165 -170, 2006.

36.  Hotepo M. O. and Oborkhale L.I. (2006), “Group Assessment as a tool for improving microprocessor learning” LASU Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 1 no 3, pp 29-40, 2006.

37.  Aigbokhan E. E., Adigun  E. and Oborkhale L.I. (2006),  “Corporate Data Warehousing a     Business Performance Enhancer”, Yabatech Journal of Technology, Vol 1 number 2 December, 2006.

38.  Oborkhale L.I., Shoewu O., Baruwa O. and Edeko F.O. “Studies in GSM Securiity and Encryption”. Nigerian Journal of Industrial and system studies. 2006.

39.  Shoewu o. and Oborkhale L. I. (2005) “A heuristic electronic voting protocol” Nigeria Journal of Engineering Management, vol. 6 no 4, pp 39-41, 2005.ISSN: 1595-3610

40.  Odinma A. and Oborkhale L. I. (2005), “Quality of service mechanism and challenges for IP networks”, the pacific journal of Science and Technology (PJST) USA vol 7 (1) pp 10-16, 2005. Spring edition.


iii.               Conference papers


41.  Oborkhale L. I, .Ogundapo E.O , Ogunleye S. B. and Aighokan(2013):”Digital Home: The state of Telecoms Infrastructure in Nigeria”, International Conference on research and development,  Volume 9 Number 4, pages 27-34, Lome Togo,13 -16, May 2013.

  1. A.Salatian, F.Adepoju, B.Taylor and L.Oborkhale,(2012) “Data Compression for Tele-Monitoring of Buildings”, Proceedings of the 9th International Network Conference, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa 11-12 July 2012, ISBN: 978-1-84102-315-1

43.  Oborkhale, L., Salatian, A., Onoh, G. (2012) ‘A Quantitative Approach for Evaluating QOS in Wireless Cellular Networks using the AnalyticHierarchy Process Method’, 2012 International Conference on SystemEngineering and Modelling (ICSEM 2012), Volume 34, pages 28-32, ISBN978-981-07-1882-4, ISSN 2010-460X, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, 7-8 April, 2012.

44.  Salatian, A., Oborkhale, L. (2012) ‘Filtering for Decision Support’, (2012) International Conference on System Engineering and Modelling(ICSEM 2012),  Volume 34, pages 23-27, ISBN 978-981-07-1882-4, ISSN2010-460X, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, 7-8 April 2012.

  1. Ogundapo Olusegun, Oborkhale Lawrence, Ogunleye Babatunde, (2013) Application of Feature Selective Validation to Propagation Path Loss Models for Wireless Cellular Networks fulltext: 1436 – 1441.

46.  Salatian, A., Zivkovic, J., Ademoh, F., Itua, Y., Oborkhale, L. (2012) ‘Digital Home – Social and Economic Implications in a Developing Economy’, 2012 International Conference in New Orleans, LA, Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications & Conflict  (AOCCC), 4-6 April 2012.

47.  Zivkovic, J., Salatian, A., Ademoh, F., Oborkhale, L., Shanan, J., (2012) ‘Novel Scheme Using Mobile Technology Platform: A Nigerian Case Study’, 2012 International Conference in New Orleans, LA, Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications & Conflict  (AOCCC), 4-6 April 2012..

48.  Zivkovic, J., Salatian, A., Ademoh, F., Shanan, J., Awaisu, M., Oborkhale, L., (2012) ‘Perceptions of American and Nigerian Faculty at an American Style University in Nigeria’, 2012 International Conference in New Orleans, LA, Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications & Conflict  (AOCCC), 4-6 April 2012.

49.  Salatian, A., Oborkhale, L, Bollou, F.,., (2011) ‘The Impact of Telemedicine in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa for Development’, Proceedings of International Conference on ICT for Africa 2011, volume 2 pages 73-80, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, March 23rd -26th 2011.

50.  Salatian, A. & Oborkhale, L. (2010) ‘Quality of Service Issues for ICU Tele-Medicine in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa’, Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Research and Development, Volume 5, Number 6, pages 155-158, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 6 – 7 October, 2010.

51.  Salatian, A., Adepoju, F., Oborkhale, L. (2010) ‘Data Compression for ICU Telemedicine to Reduce Transmission Costs and allow Qualitative Reasoning’, 2nd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2010), Volume 1, pages 242-246, IEEE Catalogue Number: CFP1030L-PR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8665-6, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, 3-5 October 2010.

52.  Salatian, A. & Oborkhale, L. (2010) ‘Tele-ICU: An Approach To Intensive Care Unit Telemedicine In Rural Sub-Saharan Africa’, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE NIGERCON International Conference On Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Power and ICT in a Developing Society, Volume 1, Number 1, pages 56-60, Abuja, Nigeria, 17-19 June 2010.

53.  Salatian, A. &Oborkhale, L. (2010) ‘Benefits of Deploying Telemedicine in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa’, Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Research and Development, Volume 5, Number 6, pages 70-73, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 6 – 7 October, 2010.

54.  Odinma A. and Oborkhale L. I. (2006) “Advances in broadband Technologies networks”, NSE electrical div, international conference on power and telecommunications, ICEPT2006, Oct 10-12, 2006.

55.  Ajose S. O., Ezebuiro I. I. and Oborkhale L. I.(2005) “Enhancing offshore oil operations with cost-effective and innovative telecommunication solutions” NSE electrical div, international conference on power and Telecommunications, ICEPT2005, oct 11-14, 2005.

56.  Oborkhale L. I. and Odinma A. (2005) “Quality of service challenges for ip networks”, NSE electrical div, international conference on power and telecommunications, ICEPT2005, October  11-14, 2005.

57.  Ajose S. O., Ezebuiro I. I. and Oborkhale L. I. (2005) “an overview of the roles of project managers in monitoring and controlling engineering projects”NSE electrical div, international conference on power and telecommunications, ICEPT2005, Oct 11-14, 2005.

58.  Ezebuiro I. I. and Oborkhale L. I.(2005)”Application of polymers in the telecommunications industry” lead paper 11, proceeding of 16th annual technical conference of the polymer institute of Nigeria 26th – 28thoctober 2005).

59.  Oborkhale L.I. and Oboh J.A.(2005) “An overview of the lithium metal – polymer battery technology and its application in telecommunication”proceeding of 16th annual technical conference of the polymer institute of Nigeria 26th – 28thoctober 2005

60.  Oborkhale L. and Ezebuiro I. I. (2005), “Objective Oriented Project Planning (OOPP) approach to Engineering Project Planning” paper delivered in ACEN   25thoctober 2005).

61.  Oborkhale L. I. and Ezebuiro I.I. (2004), Objective Oriented Project Planning (OOPP) approach to Engineering Project planning, paper presented at a three day workshop on engineering projects, Tech Grade consulting 13th -14th Dec 2004.

  1. Ajose S.O and Oborkhale L. I. “Software application Packages “(Seminar presentation at the “computer as a tool for total management conference) at the Lagos (Oct 1998).

63.  Oborkhale L. I. and Ajose S.O (1998)   “computer Hardware tools for management “(Seminar presentation at the “computer as a tool for total management conference) at the Lagos (Oct 1998).

  1. Oborkhale L. I “The Millennium Bug and its effect on military in Nigeria” (Seminar presentation at the Nigeria military school) at Zaria Sept. 1999.

65.  Buraimoh-Igbo .O and Oborkhale L. I (1999), “Computer as a tool for effective educational system in Nigeria” (Seminar presentation at the “computer as a tool for effective training in secondary schools in Nigeria conference “in Lagos, June. 1999



iv.                     Published book and monogram

1.      Oborkhale L. I. “Fundamentals of Computer Architecture”, Gemo consult limited, ISBN 978-978-084-299-4 2003.


v.                  Technical Reports


1.      Oborkhale L.I (1998) Reports of Experiments and projects, corporate memberships and professional interview report submitted to the Nigeria society of Engineers (NSE) Lagos, Nigeria.

2.      Oborkhale L.I (2004)  Reports of Experiments and projects, professional interview report submitted to the Council of Registered Engineers ,Nigeria  (COREN)

(vi) Paper accepted for publication

1. Nwaogu C, Oborkhale L. Amadi O.(2017) “mitigating rain attenuation using on a wireless communication link using adaptive power control” journal of adaptive control research



·   Reviewer for, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment.

·   Reviewer for, International Journal of Energy Systems, Computers and Control.

·   Reviewer for Nigerian Journal of Technology

·   Reviewer for the Annual Conference of the IEEE International Energy conference.

·   Reviewer for Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy

·   Reviewer for Nigerian Society of Engineers, NSE Technical Transactions

·   Reviewer for Nigerian Society of Engineers, NSE (Electrical Division) Conference Proceedings

·   Reviewer for Global Journal of Engineering Research

·   Reviewer for 14th world Multi-conference on Systemic, Cybernetics and infomatics: WMSCI 2010,  Orlando Florida, USA

·   Reviewer for 2nd International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2011)






·     External Examiner(PhD), University of Benin , Benin City(2018)

·      External Examiner , Enugu State University of Science & Technology(2017- Date)

·      Professorial Assessor, University of Benin , Benin City(2016, 2017)

·      Professorial Assessor, Covenant University, Ota Ogun state. ,( 2017)

·      External Examiner (MSc), Enugu State University of Science & Technology(2016)

·         External Examiner, Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Ijebu-Igbo , Nigeria(2010- date)

·         External Examiner(M.Sc ), Modibo Adama University of Technology.Yola(2016)





(a) Post graduate Ph.D Supervisor for the following candidates 

1.      K.J. Nwaoko, Ph.D (2017), The Prospect and Challenges of West African Power Pool: The SAPP Model (minor supervisor).

2.      Shoewu O.O (in progress) Analysis of path loss prediction models in outdoor environment for enhanced wireless design.

3.      Ehikhamele M.I.(in progress) Analysis and simulation of Optical to home technology for improved last mile

4.      OLATINWO O. S. .(in progress) Development of improved interference management scheme for next generation heterogeneous Networks.

5.      OKONBA BROWN .J. (in progress) performance analysis of digital broadcast transmission.

6.      OMOSUN, YERIMA (in progress) Analysis and simulation of the digital home technology for improved home security

7.      Ekwe (in progress) Domestication of WIMAX technology for improved wireless local area networking.

8.      IROEGBU, CHIBUISI (in progress) Enhancing handover performance in 5G wireless network

9.      NKELEME V. O. (in progress) Scalable Non-inversive radiometric wireless sensor network for partial discharge monitoring in the future smart grid.

10.  AMADI A.O. (in progress) Implementation of wireless sensor network for enhanced agricultural production.

11.  NWAUOGU  C. .(in progress) Protocol design for enhanced hand over for  5G network

b. Post graduate Masters Supervisor for the following candidates 

i.                    SADEEQ A. Y. (2014) Cross layer approach for optimizing wireless sensor and Adhoc Network.

ii.                 WYCIFF A. (2015) Ground based intelligent security design and implementation.

iii.               EMOLE C. E. (2015) Multiple Antenna Diversity Techniques For Transmission Over Fading Channels.

iv.               OKONBA B. (2015) Modelling Of Convolutional Encoder with Viterbi Decoder for Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access Systems.

v.                  ANORUE, E. N.(2015) Design And Construction Of Obstacle Automatic Vehicle using 8051 Microcontroller 

vi.               OMOSUN, Y.(2015)  Microcontroller Based Tele-remote Circuit For The Nigerian Smart Home 

vii.             ABIOYE, A. E. (2015)   Design and Implementation of Automatic Irrigation Control System.

viii.          NWAUOGU c. (2017) Rain attenuation Analysis for improved mitigation design and implementation

ix.                OKEKE C.(2017) Multiple Antenna Diversity Techniques  analysis and simulation For improved wireless Transmission

x.                  AMADI A.O. (2017) Image processing enhancement with the use of pattern recognition algorithm.

xi.                EBOWELE F. I (in progress)    Technique for enhanced LTE network evaluation for improved Network design

xii.             AJAYI E.  (in progress) Analysis and simulation of multiple saturation on photo response non-uniformity during capture




Completed Research

·         Microcontroller Based Tele-remote Circuit For the Nigerian Smart Home 

·         Design and Implementation of Automatic Irrigation Control System.


On-going Research


·   Implementation of wireless sensor network for enhanced agricultural production.

·   Protocol design for enhanced hand over for  5G network    



·   Regulation of Power and Telecommunication industries

·   Planning and Design of Next generation communication Networks

·   Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Next generation communication Networks

·   Energy policy, Planning and Renewable energy option





·         Registered Engineer, Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN

(R.11, 137) [2005-Date]

·         Member, Nigerian Society of Engineers, MNSE (08945) [1998-Date].

·         Senior Member, The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,

IEEE (41408786) [2004-Date]




Skills and Experience in Microcomputer Applications in:

·   Data Acquisition and Data Analysis

·   Simulation Techniques and Technical Simulation Softwares (MATLAB/SIMULINK, ANSOFT, SIMPLORER, MAPLE, SIGMAPLOT, ORIGIN, ELECTRONIC WORKBENCH, OPNET, NS 3,MATHEMATICA, etc. applications.

·   Learning management softwares like Module, Banner, Blackboard. etc

·   Word Processors Applications (MS-Word 2003, MS-Word 2010).

·   Windows, UNIX, Linus and Internet applications.



Cisco IT Essential instructor




·         Member, COREN Visitation Team on Accreditation Exercise, Electrical/Electronics Engineering programme, Caritas University, Enugu, 2017.

·         Member, NBTE Accreditation/Resource Inspection Visit for ND Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology programme, Kalac Christal Polytechnic, Sangotedo Lekki lagos, 2014.

·         Member, COREN visitation team on accreditation Exercise, Faculty of Engineering, University of Uyo, 2015.

·         Member, NBTE Accreditation/Resource Inspection Visit for ND Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology programme, ICT Polytechnic, Igbesa, 2013.

·         Member, NBTE Accreditation/Resource Inspection Visit for ND Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology programme, ICT Polytechnic, sapade, 2012.

·         Member, COREN visitation team on accreditation Exercise, Faculty of Engineering, Covenant University, Ota, 2012.

·         Member of the NBTE re accreditation team to Ogun state technical colleges, 2008.

·         Member of the NBTE re accreditation team to Lagos state technical colleges, 2009.

·         Member of the NBTE re accreditation team to Edo state technical colleges, 2009.







1.                  Computer aided design (AUTOCAD), Lagos state University, Lagos Sept. 1997.

2.                  Computer Graphics, Lagos state University Lagos  Nov 1997

3.                  Computer Networking (Novel Netware), Lagos state University Lagos march 1998.

4.                  2002 National Conference, the Nigerian Society of Engineers (Electrical Division), Lagos, October 2003.

5.                  2004 National Conference, the Nigerian Society of Engineers (Electrical Division), Lagos,      October 2004.

6.                  Workshop on “Bridging the Digital and Scientific Divides” with Nigerians Diaspora, Nicon Hilton Hotels Abuja 24th –28th July, 2005.

7.             NSE electrical div, international conference on power and telecommunications, ICEPT2006, October 12, 2006.

8.                  NSE electrical div, international conference on power and telecommunications, ICEPT2005, October 11-14, 2005.

9.             16th annual technical conference of the polymer institute of Nigeria 26th – 28thoctober 2005

10.              Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN) Assembly; Abuja 2006.

11.              International Workshop and Conference on New Trends in the Mathematical and Computer Sciences with Applications to Real World Problems.  Covenant University Ota 19th –23rd   June, 2006.

12.              1st National Engineering Technology Conference (NEtec 2008), Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. 1st to 4th April 2008.

13.              1st African Regional Conference on Sustainable Development, University Of Calabar. 6th to 8th May 2008.

14.              IT Essential instructor  training Abeokuta  April  2008

15.              Cisco conference in Abeokuta 2008.

16.              National Conference Of the Nigerian Society Of Engineers (NSE); Abuja, 2008

17.              Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN) Assembly ; Abuja 2008

18.        IEEE NIGERCON International Conference, American University of Nigeria, Yola, Nigeria, November, 2010.

19.              .National Conference Of the Nigerian Society Of Engineers (NSE); Abuja, 2008

20.              Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN) Assembly; Abuja 2009.

21.              Cisco conference in Jos 2009.

22.              Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN) Assembly; Abuja 2010.

23.              National Conference Of Computer Professionals Of Nigeria (CPN); Abuja, 2011

24.              Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN) Assembly; Enugu 2011.

25.              Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN) Assembly; Abuja 2012.

26.              National Conference Of Nigeria Society Of Engineers (NSE);Ilorin  2012

27.              Council for Regulation of Engineering (COREN) Assembly; Abuja 2013.

28.              International Conference on research and development,  Volume 9 Number 4, pages 27-34, Lome Togo,13 -16, May 2013.

29.              9th International Network Conference, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa 11-12 July 2012, ISBN: 978-1-84102-315-1

30.              International Conference on System Engineering and Modelling (ICSEM 2012), Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia, 7-8 April 2012.

31.              International Conference on ICT for Africa 2011, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, March 23rd -26th 2011.

32.              International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2010), San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, 3-5 October 2010.

33.              2010 IEEE NIGERCON International Conference On Emerging and Sustainable Technologies for Power and ICT in a Developing Society, Abuja, Nigeria, 17-19 June 2010.



·                     Enaholo Edwin, “Unified modelling language for object oriented analysis, analysis and design, Has.fem(BIG)Enterprises. Lagos.

·                     Enaholo Edwin,  “A Simplified design of complier front and back end” Has. fem(BIG) Enterprises. Lagos.

·                     Shoewu O. O., Ogunlewe O. and Makanjuola, Fundamental of Circuit theory, Darkouse Publisher.



I  wish to affirm that the content of this curriculum vitae is correct to  the best of my knowledge.



Signature: ………………………………..


Name:  Oborkhale Lawrence Idemudia


Designation/Rank: Professor


Date:                           03/09/2018

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