
Civil Engineering

Welcome Message
Objectives of the Department

The philosophy of the Civil Engineering Department, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike is to produce graduates of high academic standard with adequate practical and theoretical background of immediate value to the industry and the nation in general. This will help to meet up with the national goals and objectives of industrialization and self-reliance.

Therefore the programme is geared towards:

1.                 The development of a thorough practices in-training

2.                 Early broad-based training in general Engineering and Technology.

3.                 Practical application of engineering, technology and manufacturing process.

4.                 Close association of the programme with industries in the country.

These include:

a)     Common foundation years at 100 and 200 levels for all engineering students.

b)    Workshop practice, technology, laboratory work and tutorials.

c)     Design projects with bias towards local applications.

d)    Broad-based engineering and interaction between students and professionals.

e)     Project in the final year on which the student works alone under supervision in specific areas of civil engineering.

f)      Special skills and in-depth study in a particular area of the programme through optional courses or electives.

g)     Adequate knowledge in the areas of engineering Management, economics and Law.

h)    Six months of supervised industrial training during the second semester of the fourth year.

i)       The development of entrepreneurial skills in students.

 The academic programme has been planned to offer challenges and to encourage the Development of ingenuity and originality in the student.  The corner stone of this is an early grounding in the basic engineering sciences and a strong emphasis in Applied Design in the later years.

Civil Engineering